Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt in Olympia, WA!

Easter is the time for springtime festivals, a time to welcome back the Tulips, Crocuses and Daffodils, a time of chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, colored eggs and so much more!

Want to help those in need this Easter season?

"Project Easter Bunny" provides free Easter baskets to those children who would otherwise go without! They plan on giving away 500 baskets. Contact 'Barb's Family and Friends' if you can donate to the basket-makings or can help put together baskets. April 3rd, 2010, 11am-3pm, United Churches, 110 11th Ave SE, Olympia. For more information, contact: Rodney O'Neill 360-786-9835

Olympia has the best places to hunt for eggs! Below are a just a few in our area...

Lattin's Country Cider Mill - Join us on the the day before Easter for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Tumwater Easter Egg Dash - Tumwater Parks and Recreation invites all Thurston County residents to attend their free Easter Egg Dash. Groups for ages 10 and under. April 3rd, 2010, 11am, Tumwater High School, 700 Israel Rd SW, Tumwater, field behind THS Stadium. For more information, contact: Stephanie Klein 360-754-4160

Easter Egg Train: Climb aboard for a leisurely train ride on the Chehalis-Centralia Railroad steam engine! After a 30-minute train ride with the Easter Bunny and Chicken Little, children 13 and under will be separated into three age groups and invited to search for hidden Easter eggs filled with candy or prizes. $8. April 3rd, 2010, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm, Chehalis-Centralia Railroad & Museum, Chehalis, 1101 Sylvenus Street, off I-5 Exit 77. For more information, contact: Centralia Chehalis Railroad 360-748-9593

Community Easter Egg Dash: Hidden Creek Community Church invites you to join them for a Community Easter Egg Dash! Rain or shine! Over 5000 eggs! Three age groups – four and under, 5 years & 1st grade, 2nd–3rd grade. Grand prize in each age group! Lots of great prizes! April 3rd, 2010, 10:30am SHARP!, Hidden Creek Community Church, 1807 9th Ave. SW, Olympia, 4 blocks east of Capital Mall. For more information, contact: Sheri 360-357-3739

Easter Egg Hunt: For children, toddlers through 3rd grade, there will be two opportunities to hunt for Easter eggs! Face painting, special prizes, a free raffle, and tons of fun! All are welcome! Sponsored by Church of Living Water. April 3rd, 2010, 9-9:45am and 10-10:45am, Charlie’s Safari, 5400 Martin Way East, Lacey. For more information, contact: 754-5830

Easter Egg Hunt: Olympia Moose Lodge 1759 presents an Easter Egg Hunt for all children ages 12 and under. April 4th, 2010, 1pm, Lacey Senior Center, Lacey. For more information, contact: Fred McHenry 360-491-1759

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